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  • itspaulabear 1:53 pm on August 7, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: All you can eat sushi, Fair Lakes Shopping Center, Fairfax, Japanese cuisine, sushi, Sushi buffet, Tsunami, Virginai   

    Tsunami (Fairfax, VA) 

    13039 Fair Lakes Shopping Ctr
    Fairfax, VA 22033
    (703) 449-8404

    I went here for lunch because they have a all-you-can-eat sushi special. It was pretty bad. They only served sushi rolls in their buffet. This was fine, but all of the pieces of fish were super thin, so all you could taste was the rice. The tuna was still frozen. I’m not going to say this place was horrible, but I would definitely never eat the buffet ever again. Try ordering something off the menu.

    Tsunami: sushi rolls from the sushi buffet

  • itspaulabear 6:38 pm on March 6, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Aunt Joanie's Chocolate Shoppe, Ben and Xander's Fudge Co, Bon Appetit, C&D Sweets, candy, Capitol Chocolate Fountains!, , Confection Connection, Connie's Chocolate Confections, Dave's Candy Kitchen, Fair Trade Winds, Fairfax, festival, fudge, Schakolad Chocolate Factory, The Sweet Life, truffles, Victoria's Cakery, , Virginia Chocolate Company, Watergate Pastry Shop   

    Chocolate Lovers’ Festival (Fairfax, VA) 

    Hello, my name is Paula and I am a chocoholic.  This festival was made for me.   The Chocolate Lovers’ Festival is an annual two-day event, but I only went on Saturday.  At the Taste of Chocolate, you could buy from various vendors. Pogs were sold for $1 each.  The prices started at 1 pog.  It was horribly crowded, but worth being there.

    I love truffles, so I bought a good variety from different vendors.  From the first vendor, I bought six truffles: caramel, toasted coconut, dark chocolate, cappuccino, hazelnut, and tiramisu.  It was hard not to eat them all at once.  They were DIVINE!  The filling had a very fresh and creamy texture.

    Chocolate Lovers' Festival: truffles (3 truffles/2 pogs)

    Chocolate Lovers' Festival: creamy filling

    The next couple of truffles I bought are from the Virginia Chocolate Company.  One was mint chocolate.  The other was made of some sort of Indian spice (seemed similar to Chai) and dark chocolate, which I thought was a really unique and daring flavor for a truffle.  They were also really good. You could tell they were freshly made.

    Chocolate Lovers' Festival: Virginia Chocolate Company (2 truffles/3 pogs)

    The last set of truffles I bought were from Schakolad Chocolate Factory.  I got the Mocha and the Jamaican Rum Ganache.  Yummy!

    Chocolate Lovers' Festival: Schakolad (1 truffle/1 pog)

    I love homemade fudge.  Ben & Xander’s offered a great variety of fudge.  I knew if I bought even a 1/4 pound of any of them, I would feel guilty later.  Instead, I got a sample of five of their fudges, including chocolate mint, coconut, dark chocolate, maple walnut and french vanilla.

    Chocolate Lovers' Festival: Ben & Xander's Fudge Co (5 samples/1pog)

    Victoria’s Cakery was selling slices of cake for 2 pogs each.  I obviously couldn’t resist.  I bought a slice of “Heaven” which was white cake with raspberry filling and white chocolate icing and a slice of “The Devil Made me Do it,” which was a three layer chocolate cake (one layer of brownie, one layer of fudge, one layer of chocolate cake, and topped off with chocolate icing).  I could probably eat a whole cake of the chocolate cake all by myself.

    Chocolate Lovers' Festival: Victoria's Cakery (1 slice/2 pogs)

    The last thing I bought was a Chai Tea milk chocolate bar from Fair Trade Winds for Jason’s birthday.  I thought the Chai was too strong, but he loved it.

    Chocolate Lovers' Festival: Fair Trade Winds Chai Tea chocolate bar (3 pogs)

    List of vendors:

    Aunt Joanie’s Chocolate Shoppe, Inc.
    Ben & Xander’s Fudge Co.
    C & D Sweets
    Capitol Chocolate Fountains
    Confection Connection
    Connie’s Chocolate Confections
    Dave’s Candy Kitchen
    Fair Trade Winds
    Schakolad Chocolate Factory
    The Sweet Life
    Victoria’s Cakery
    Virginia Chocolate Company
    Watergate Pasty Shop

    • madeleinelamas 5:54 pm on March 25, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      mmmmmmmmmmmm i love chocolate soo much .i swear i eat chocolate everyday. but i think that its good because i dont like milk, so i get calcuim from chocolate lol. that sounds like the best place! i love to go to sees candy their chocolate is realy good!

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